Naamans Creek Watershed Association Cleanup – Saturday April 12th, 2025

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logoThe date for the 2024 Cleanup is Saturday, April 12th

The Naamans Creek Watershed Association (NCWA) will be working with the Christina River Cleanup group again this year to sponsor the cleanup in the Naamans Creek Watershed – including cleaning out water retention and detention basins that feed into the creeks.

Christina River Cleanup Logo

To sign up for this year’s Cleanup, please complete the form on the Christina River Cleanup. The registration form can be found on the Sites Tab. Select the Naamans Site as your preferred Cleanup Site for which you would like to volunteer.

Here is a flyer you can distribute.

Naamans Creek Meeting Place: As usual the NCWA start-off spot will be the back corner of the eastern part of the F&N Shopping Village – the area closest to the Wells Fargo Bank at 8 AM. At that time cleanup assignments will be made for sites (particularly near water retention basins) along Naamans Road, Darley Road and Philadelphia Pike. Volunteers must sign in to be covered by insurance.

Directions: Take I-95 or Route 141 to Route 202 North. Follow 202 and turn onto Route 92 / Naamans Road. Cross Grubb Road and then Foulk Road. Turn right into shopping center.

Gloves, bags and pic-sticks will be provided. Our group’s usual trash haul ranges from one ton to three tons depending on how many heavy items like tires we gather.

Lunch will begin at 11:30 – location to be determined.

Sponsored by the Christina River Watershed Cleanup, and the Naamans Creek Watershed Association among others

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Special Election for State Senator Positions for Districts 1 and 5 will be held on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Special elections will be held on February 15, 2025, to fill the vacancies created by the departure of United States Representative Sarah McBride (formerly State Senator for District 1) and Lt. Governor Kyle Evans Gay (formerly State Senator for District 5).

Special Election Information for both District 1 and District 5 including Early Voting Schedule, Polling Places, Voter Eligibility, and Voting Information is available at the Delaware Elections website.  

The State Senator Candidates’ information is listed below:

Senate District 1
1st District to replace Sarah McBride:

Democratic Candidate:  Dan Cruce
Nonpartisan Candidate: Riley “Liv” Figliola
Republican Candidate:  Steve Washington

Senate District 5
5th District to replace Kyle Evans Gay:

Democratic Candidate:  Ray Siegfried
Republican Candidate:  Brent Burdge

Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and please come out and Vote.

For your assigned polling place and additional information, please click on the graphic below regarding your district's specific information.

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Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study Public Workshop

The first in-person public workshop for the Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study has now been scheduled. Sponsored by WILMAPCO and Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT).

The study is for examining the creation of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway under the Concord Pike/US202 at Rocky Run near Widener University.

Please help spread the word.

When: Monday, February 10th, 2025
Time: 4:30-6:30p.m.
Where: Talleyville Fire Co., Station 25, 3919 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803

Please see the linked Rocky Run Pathway Feasibility Study Workshop Flyer.

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Edward W. Cooch, Jr. Environmental Scholarship​

Please share the linked Edward W. Cooch, Jr. Environmental Scholarship application with students and your networks. The deadline is April 15, 2025.
The Edward W. Cooch, Jr. Environmental Scholarship fund has been established to honor the late Edward W. Cooch, Jr. (1920-2010).  “Ned” as many of us knew him, was an avid environmentalist with a deep passion for the natural lands and water resources of the State of Delaware.  In 1982 Ned was one of the founders of the Christina Conservancy which promotes the preservation and restoration of the natural and historic resources of the Christina River Watershed.  Ned was one of the driving forces and an inspiration for the Christina River Watershed Cleanup, which was started in 1992, and has removed hundreds of tons of trash from the watershed.  Ned was an active member of the Delaware community and demonstrated a deep commitment to the natural environment.

This $2,500 scholarship will be awarded to one student, selected by the scholarship committee, who demonstrates the ideals that Ned Cooch carried out in his daily life.
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The History of Brandywine Hundred’s Shellpot Creek

Local historian, Scott Palmer to provide the history of Shellpot Creek. From the earliest water-powered mills in Delaware, to a site that would later entertain thousands, to places you would never think to look, Brandywine Hundred’s Shellpot Creek has a rich and largely forgotten history of milling. Join us on a journey that began more than 350 years ago, as we rediscover the Seven Mills of Shellpot Creek.

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Concord Pike 2024 Public Meeting_Wed. June 12th 4-6pm

Location: Talleyville Fire Company, Station 25, 3919 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803

You are invited to attend this public workshop to learn about transportation projects that are planned in the Concord Pike corridor; review and provide feedback on the Draft 2022 Concord Pike Monitoring Report; and engage with and provide your feedback to the project team. For more information or to register, visit

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McDonald’s Concord Pike Reconstruction-April 11th Public Meeting

Arches logoThere will be a Public Meeting on Thursday, April 11th at 6:00pm at the Talleyville Fire Company for the public to see plans for the Reconstruction of the McDonald’s Concord Pike location.

The property is located at the southeasterly corner of Prospect Drive and Concord Pike intersection. 

A PLAN is being prepared for submission that includes the current restaurant parcel and the office building parcel, and both will be used for the restaurant.

The restaurant, which will only be slightly more square feet than the existing restaurant, will be situated in a way the owner believes will address the longstanding drive-thru backups on Concord Pike.

This plan will eventually go to the Board of Adjustment for review.

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Naamans Creek Watershed Association Cleanup – Saturday April 13th, 2024

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logoThe date for the 2024 Cleanup is Saturday, April 13th, 8AM.

The Naamans Creek Watershed Association (NCWA) will be working with the Christina River Cleanup group again this year to sponsor the cleanup in the Naamans Creek Watershed – including cleaning out water retention and detention basins that feed into the creeks.

Christina River Cleanup Logo

To register for this year’s Cleanup, please complete the online VOLUNTEER form on the  Select the Naamans Creek Site as your preferred Cleanup Site for which you would like to volunteer. Or call (302) 408-0544 to register.

Volunteers should dress for the weather, wear long pants, brightly-colored shirts with long sleeves, boots or water resistant shoes, hat, heavy duty gloves, insect repellent, and sunscreen.

Naamans Creek Meeting Place: As usual the NCWA start-off spot will be the back corner of the eastern part of the F&N Shopping Center – the Wells Fargo Bank side at 8 AM. At that time cleanup assignments will be made for sites (particularly near water retention basins) along Naamans Road, Darley Road and Philadelphia Pike.

Directions: Take I-95 or Route 141 to Route 202 North. Follow 202 and turn onto Route 92 / Naamans Road. Cross Grubb Road and then Foulk Road. Turn right into shopping center.

Gloves, bags and pic-sticks will be provided.

Lunch will begin at 11:30 – location to be determined.

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CCOBH Seminar – “Ask the Lawyer: Your Questions about Your Civic or Homeowner Associations Answered”

The Council of Civic Organizations of Brandywine Hundred, Inc. is pleased, once again, to present, “Ask the Lawyer: Your Questions about Your Civic or Homeowner Associations Answered,” a returning entry in its series of seminars for assistance to current board members of Civic Associations and Homeowner Associations in Brandywine Hundred.

Monday, March 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
First Unitarian Church
Concord Pike and Halstead Road

This seminar is intended to provide Civic and Homeowner Association Board members with answers to their most pressing legal issues involving their community association on which they serve as a member of the Board of Directors. This seminar, to be led by CCOBH President, Robert J. Valihura, Jr., Esquire, will cover topics of concern for the community, and can include:

  • Corporate formation and compliance issues
  • intra-board dispute resolution
  • legal issues involving collection of annual dues and fees
  • legal enforceability of restrictive covenants and deed restrictions
  • or any other issue of importance which Board members would like guidance about but have been reluctant to retain a lawyer.

A former State Representative and a current Adjunct Professor of Law teaching the Delaware Corporate law applicable to corporations and Civic and Homeowner Associations, Bob focuses his practice on representation of communities such as yours up and down the state.

IMPORTANT:  The issues which are likely to be covered will focus on what the Board can and cannot do, so please come with a copy of your certificate of incorporation, your bylaws, your community’s deed restrictions and, if applicable, any Declaration that binds your community. Because of CCOBH’s focus on representing civic and homeowner associations, this seminar will not address individual homeowner issues, including disputes that are just between homeowners or homeowner disputes with their homeowner or civic association.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn what you need to know to more effectively and knowledgeably represent your community.   CCOBH hopes to see you on Monday, March 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church.

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CCOBH – Public Meeting-Feb. 1 – “The Brandywine School District Referendum” Follow-Up

We would like to thank the Brandywine School District Administration, Board Members, Staff and parents for participating at the CCOBH Public Meeting on Thursday, February 1st.

The School District has had many public meetings regarding this referendum and we were pleased that they allowed us the opportunity to hold our local meeting.

We appreciate them taking the time to inform our member communities in Brandywine Hundred on the importance of the upcoming Referendum.

We hope their presentation gave you some more insight into Referendum process and the importance this will have on our schools, neighborhoods and businesses and homes in our community.

We encourage you to participate by coming out to VOTE on February 13th. You can find a convenient location on the attached flyer.

For additional information we encourage you to visit the Brandywine School District website on the Referendum. Here you can find out additional information, including:

  • Voting information
  • Presentations (including the one from last evening)
  • Schedule of Town Hall presentations
  • A tax calculator that calculates the Referendum’s impact on property taxes
  • A form to request a presentation from BSD
  • Tax credit for seniors information
  • FAQs (including an FAQ document)
  • Information videos
  • News stories
  • Election Notices

If you were unable to attend the CCOBH Public Meeting on February 1st at the First Unitarian Church, we have included a link to the presentation below. This presentation includes the Questions asked of the Brandywine School District leadership. This presentation also includes a Q&A audio Voice recording link.

CCOBH-BSD Referendum Presentation
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