Below is an invitation to Community Leaders from WILMAPCO regarding the
North Claymont Area Master Plan
Dear Community Leader:
I am writing to encourage your participation in the North Claymont Area Master Plan. On November 23, we invite you to take part in a focus group interview, along with community and business leaders such as yourself, to provide early input on your concerns and ideas for this important plan. The focus group will be held in the Darley House (3701 Philadelphia Pike, Claymont, DE 19703) at 6 p.m. and should last approximately one hour.
The North Claymont Plan is being developed to assess the potential for a mixed use residential, commercial and industrial area designed to promote economic activity, make public transit successful, walking and bicycling convenient and safe, and provide for a vibrant, livable community. You may learn more about the project at
WILMAPCO is developing the Plan in partnership with New Castle County, Claymont Renaissance Development Corporation (CRDC), Delaware state agencies (Office of State Planning Coordination, DelDOT, DART, DNREC, and DECO), and the Claymont community. Your participation in a November 23 focus group interview will help the planning team learn about community interests, ideas and recommendations in advance of a future community visioning workshop.
Please RSVP, or have an appropriate member of your organization RSVP to Heather Dunigan at 302.737.6205, ext. 118 or email If you would prefer an individual telephone interview or would like a presentation to your organization, we would be happy to arrange this with you.
Heather Dunigan
Heather Dunigan, Principal Planner
850 Library Ave., Suite 100, Newark, DE 19711
302/737-6205 ext. 118