Proposal for Changes at Concord Gallery-Public Meeting

Public Meeting Monday, October 3, 2022
6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M.

at the Talleyville Fire Company

The Council of Civic Organizations of Brandywine Hundred (“CCOBH”) and Councilwoman Dee Durham invite you to an in-person public meeting in which proposed deed restriction changes and related development concept plans for the Concord Gallery Shopping Center (3600 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE 19803) will be presented for public review and comment. Representatives of Concord Gallery and its development team will be on hand to explain the details for the proposed request for deed restriction changes (click here for current deed restrictions). Specific beneficiaries named in the deed restrictions include: CCOBH, Sharpley Civic Association, Woodbrook Civic Association, Edenridge Civic Association, Tavistock Civic Association and Naamans Little League, Inc.

CCOBH is a nonpartisan civic umbrella organization whose members consist of some 120 civic organizations that represent most of the communities and neighborhoods in Brandywine Hundred. CCOBH, and its volunteer members, work:

• to consider quality-of-life issues and to promote better standards of living in Brandywine Hundred;
• to promote, encourage, and/or assist worthwhile movements that will benefit Brandywine Hundred and its residents; and
• to contribute in every way possible to an atmosphere of tolerance, friendliness and a positive community spirit throughout Brandywine Hundred

Please join Councilwoman Durham and the members of the CCOBH on October 3rd at 6 p.m.for the presentation and discussion regarding this proposal to change the face of one of Brandywine Hundred’s preeminent shopping destinations.

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Air Quality Permitting Training Session

Below is an invitation to our member civic association residents to attend a DNREC (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control) training opportunity.

The training is scheduled for Tuesday, September 2oth. The deadline to register is next week, Friday September 16th.

Business owners, consultants and others interested in learning about Delaware’s air quality permitting application process are invited to a virtual training session from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Sept. 20 hosted by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Certificates for professional development hours can be earned by participants.

The virtual session, presented by the DNREC Division of Air Quality, will focus on the permitting process, from pre-application meetings to permit issuance, and facility/site inspections. The workshop is free, but pre-registration is required by DNREC close of business (4:30 p.m. EDT) Friday, Sept. 16. Registration and DNREC contact information can be found on the actual registration page with further details from DNREC. Here is the link.


The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control protects and manages the state’s natural resources, protects public health, provides outdoor recreational opportunities and educates Delawareans about the environment. The DNREC Division of Air Quality monitors and regulates all emissions to the air. For more information, visit the website and connect with @DelawareDNREC on FacebookTwitter or LinkedIn.

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Office of the Common Interest Community Ombudsperson

Special thanks to Mr. Christopher J. Curtin, State of Delaware, Deputy Attorney General-Common Interest Community Ombudsman for providing this helpful information for our membership.

Below is some general information on what the Office of the Common Interest Community Ombudsman does to help common interest communities (i.e. condominiums, deed restricted single-family home subdivisions and homeowner associations) understand their rights and responsibilities available to them according to the law.

If you wish to receive information about training opportunities and other announcements, you can be added to the Ombudsman email list. See below:

ADD YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO OUR LIST TO RECEIVE INFORMATION ABOUT TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS by providing your email address to Please include in the subject line, “Please Add My Name to the Common Interest Community Ombudsman’s Email List.” Please also include as much of the following information as you wish to share in the email:

  • Your Name:
  • Community Name:
  • Street:
  • Unit #:
  • City, State, Zip:
  • Preferred Telephone #:
  • Email:
  • Community Email:
  • Community Website:


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Foulk Road – Public Workshop

Proposed Reconstruction and Reconfiguration Project

Brandywine Hundred Library – Multi-Purpose Room
1300 Foulk Road

Tuesday 07/12/2022
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM

The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) is holding a Public Workshop to solicit public input for the proposed reconstruction and reconfiguration of Foulk Road from Weldin Road to the Pennsylvania state line.  The purpose of this project is to reconstruct the failing pavement, remedy drainage issues, and to reconfigure the road to create space for a continuous sidewalk, bicycle lanes, a center left turning lane, and one lane of travel for each direction. 

The reconfiguration will reduce utility pole relocation impacts to properties and minimize the need for additional Right-of-Way, while improving the safety and operation of the road.  Attendees will have an opportunity to review the intersection improvements and provide comments to DelDOT representatives.

Interested persons are invited to express their views in writing, giving reasons for, or in opposition to, the proposed improvements.  Comments will be received during the workshop, submitted online or can be mailed to DelDOT Community Relations, P.O. Box 778, Dover, DE 19903 or sent via email to

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Harvey Mill Park Walk-Through-Sat. May 21st

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logo

The NCWA (Naamans Creek Watershed Association) has been working with County Maintenance and Redtail Restoration to improve conditions along Naamans Creek in Harvey Mill Park.

There will be a walk-through at 9:00AM on Saturday, May 21st starting at the bridge at the lower edge of the park and walking along the creek to the bridge close to the tennis courts to view conditions and determine the condition of the planted vegetation.

Please spread the word, especially to folks in Wynnwood and Lancashire.

Marianne Cinaglia
Naamans Creek Watershed Association

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Naamans Creek Watershed Association Cleanup_April 2nd 2022 Photos

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logo

Here are some photos from the April 2nd Naamans Creek Cleanup effort.

The photos below were sent in by Christopher McQuillan and his crew. Thanks so much for your efforts!

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Naamans Creek Watershed Association Cleanup Results

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logo

Here are some results from the April 2nd Naamans Creek Cleanup effort.

Christina River Cleanup Logo

Got Junk picked up 3560 lbs. of trash – the Ardens picked up another 300 lbs. to go into local trash.

That’s a total of almost 2 tons, 3860 Lbs!

Participants included:  

  • County and State elected officials:  John Cartier, Kyle Gay, and Sarah McBride
  • Students from Archmere, Charter School, and Salesianum
  • Participants from Springer Middle School and Lancashire Elementary
  • Bellefonte Cub Scouts
  • Friends of Forwood Preserve Park
  • Arden and Ardentown residents
  • Action Environmental 

Thanks to everyone who was able to lend a hand. Your volunteering efforts are much appreciated!

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Reminder-Naamans Creek Watershed Association Cleanup – Saturday April 2nd, 2022, 8AM

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logo

The Naamans Creek Watershed Association (NCWA) will be working with the Christina River Cleanup group again this year to sponsor the cleanup in the Naamans Creek Watershed – including cleaning out water retention and detention basins that feed into the creeks.

Christina River Cleanup Logo

The date for the 2022 Cleanup is Saturday, April 2nd.

Sign ups for the cleanup will open February 16 on

Bags and gloves will be available beginning at 8:00 AM at the rear of the F&N Shopping center near the creek.  We are returning to tee shirts as rewards to participants again this year.

Naamans Creek Meeting Place: East end of F & N Shopping Center (near Wells Fargo).

Lunch is at 11:30 AM

Directions: Take I-95 or Route 141 to Route 202 North. Follow 202 and turn onto Route 92 / Naamans Road. Cross Grubb Road and then Foulk Road. Turn right into shopping center.

Sponsored by the Christina River Basin Cleanup, the Claymont Fire Company, and NCWA.

Thanks to everyone who is able to lend a hand. Your volunteering efforts are much appreciated!

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2022 Governor’s Youth Volunteer Service Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Governor’s Youth Volunteer Service Awards. If there is a  young person or a group of young people you know who is involved in volunteer service, consider submitting a nomination for our 2022 Governor’s Youth Volunteer Service Awards. 

Nominations are open through March 27th, so help us recognize those outstanding Delawareans aged 17 or under by visiting this link.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Tina Gary 
Volunteer Services Coordinator/Volunteer Delaware
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
Division of State Service Centers
805 River Road
Dover, DE 19901
Office: (302) 857-5014 
Cell (302) 287-0121
Fax: (302) 857-5041

“The mission of the Division of State Service Centers is to provide convenient access to human services, assist vulnerable populations, support communities and promote volunteer service opportunities”. 

Disclaimer: This message most likely contains CONFIDENTIAL and/or LEGALLY PRIVILEDGED information intended only for the addressee(s). Unauthorized reading, distributing or copying this message is prohibited.

Volunteer Delaware
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Naamans Creek Watershed Association Cleanup – Saturday April 2nd, 2022

Naamas Creek Watershed Assoc._logo

The Naamans Creek Watershed Association (NCWA) will be working with the Christina River Cleanup group again this year to sponsor the cleanup in the Naamans Creek Watershed – including cleaning out water retention and detention basins that feed into the creeks.

Christina River Cleanup Logo

The date for the 2022 Cleanup is Saturday, April 2nd.

Sign ups for the cleanup will open February 16 on

Bags and gloves will be available beginning at 8:30 AM at the rear of the F&N Shopping center near the creek.  We are returning to tee shirts as rewards to participants again this year.

Naamans Creek Meeting Place: East end of F & N Shopping Center (near Wells Fargo).

Lunch is at 11:30 AM

Directions: Take I-95 or Route 141 to Route 202 North. Follow 202 and turn onto Route 92 / Naamans Road. Cross Grubb Road and then Foulk Road. Turn right into shopping center.

Sponsored by the Christina River Basin Cleanup, the Claymont Fire Company, and NCWA.

Thanks to everyone who is able to lend a hand. Your volunteering efforts are much appreciated!

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